"Dreamstations" roots primarily in German language. Etymology, the meaning of the used words and the associations that spring from their sound and meaning are the starting point for the work; they define the conceptual framework. Because German language makes up the main ingredient of the work, it should be read 'from' that idiom. In most cases, an equivalent translation or an analogous interpretation in English proved impossible.

For instance, the significances of the word 'Zelle' (cell) in German an English are fairly identical. The used names of plants are more problematic. The English translation of the German plant name 'Wegwarte' (etymologic: she, who observes the orbit of the sun in the sky) is: wild chicory, 'Nachtkerze' (named because its flowers open first after sundown and are pollinated by moths) is translated as: African marigold, 'Holunder' changes into elderberry. Translating means rearranging. In that process, original flowery aspects, essential for the comprehension of the work are lost. I therefore decided to give up further translation.