ARNOLD SCHALKS INTERNET ARCHIVE / chronological overview

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Writing work | January-present / finishing and editing the second historical novel titled 'Nachtkaars' (Night candle) / Rotterdam

Workgroup Stolpersteine Leiden | January-present / research prior to- and supervision of the placement of stumbling stones under the auspices of the Stichting Herdenking Jodenvervolging Leiden (Jewish Persecution Memorial Foundation Leiden)

Webmaster | January-now / management & upkeep of the Arnold Schalks Internet Archive and the websites of de Vrije Schuur, Bühne de Bovenlucht, podium OCW



Searching for fates and relatives | april / lecture on the work of the Werkgroep Stolpersteine Leiden at the invitation of the Stichting Herdenking Jodenvervolging Leiden, Petrus church, Leiden

Writing work | January-present / editing the story lines for the second historical novel titled 'Nachtkaars' (Night candle) / Rotterdam

Workgroup Stolpersteine Leiden | January-present / research prior to- and supervision of the placement of stumbling stones under the auspices of the Stichting Herdenking Jodenvervolging Leiden (Jewish Persecution Memorial Foundation Leiden)

Webmaster | January-now / management & upkeep of the Arnold Schalks Internet Archive and the websites of de Vrije Schuur, Bühne de Bovenlucht, podium OCW



Euridice en Orfeo | September / Lighting for the music theater production, commissioned by Tresonanz / Sigarenfabriek, Delft

Crimmp_40 - Groot Rotterdams Atelier Weekend | September | presentation of the Iranian guest artist Samieh Shahcheraghi / stage OCW, Rotterdam

Writers residence | July-August / arrangement of the source material for a second historical novel / Walmsburg (D)

Very outspoken one | July / presentation of the documentary about my community project Someni tongo from 2008 / Rotterdam

Crimmp_39 | June / technical assistance mini-musicfestival / stage OCW, Rotterdam

Crimmp_38 | June / technical assistance mini-musicfestival / stage OCW, Rotterdam

Crimmp_37 | May / technical assistance mini-musicfestival / stage OCW, Rotterdam

Crimmp_36 | April / technical assistance mini-musicfestival / stage OCW, Rotterdam

Klosterklänge | February - June / Graphic design for the concertseries by Ars Choralis Coeln, Cologne

writing | January-present / processing of the raw material arranged in 2022 into the first version of a second historical novel / Rotterdam

Workgroup Stolpersteine Leiden | January-present / research prior to- and supervision of the placement of stumbling stones under the auspices of the Stichting Herdenking Jodenvervolging Leiden (Jewish Persecution Memorial Foundation Leiden)

Webmaster | January-now / management & upkeep of the Arnold Schalks Internet Archive and the websites of de Vrije Schuur, Bühne de Bovenlucht, podium OCW



writers residence | October-November / arrangement of the source material for a second historical novel / Walmsburg (D)

off-crimmp_05 poor thing | October / technique music-theaterperformance by vox / stage OCW, Rotterdam

off-crimmp_cinema_06 | October / technique & design of a two day screening curated by Noud Heerkens / stage OCW, Rotterdam

off-crimmp_cinema_05 | October / technique & design of a two day screening curated by Noud Heerkens / stage OCW, Rotterdam

Powema tori | September / Lecture about the 'Someni Tongo'-project on invitation of the Rotterdamsch Leeskabinet / Gemaal op Zuid, Rotterdam

Maria Keizerin van Dordt (Maria, Empress of Dordrecht) | july / completion of the 4th version of the costume- and set design for the music theater production of the same name and premiere / Hollands Diep, Dordrecht

Klosterklänge | April - September / Graphic design for the concertseries by Ars Choralis Coeln, Cologne

Gedenkschrift voor de familie Weijl | March / independent publication / Rotterdam

Beheerschappij | March / publication on the website leiden4045

Crimmp_35 | March / technical assistance mini-musicfestival / stage OCW, Rotterdam

Gevallen ster | February / publication on the website leiden4045

Maria Keizerin van Dordt (Maria, Empress of Dordrecht) | january / 3rd version of costume- and set design for music theater production of the same name / Hollands Diep, Dordrecht

Workgroup Stolpersteine Leiden | January-present / research prior to- and supervision of the placement of stumbling stones under the auspices of the Stichting Herdenking Jodenvervolging Leiden (Jewish Persecution Memorial Foundation Leiden)

Webmaster | January-now / management & upkeep of the Arnold Schalks Internet Archive and the websites of de Vrije Schuur, Bühne de Bovenlucht, podium OCW



Freezing Winter Night | December / Lighting for the music theater production, commissioned by Tresonanz / Sigarenfabriek, Delft

De mens als plant en dier | December / Review by Jacques van Alphen in the Hart van de Stad-krant nr. 163, Leiden

Kat in het nauw | November / publication on the website leiden4045

Is de mens een plant? | October / Review by Wilfred Simons in the Leidsch Dagblad, Haarlems Dagblad, IJmuider Courant, Gooi en Eemlander, Noord Hollands Dagblad

Euridice and Orfeo | September / Lighting for the music theater production, commissioned by Tresonanz / Sigarenfabriek, Delft

Bezorgde NSB-er verklapt geheim | September / publication on the website leiden4045

Het noodlottig ongeval | September / publication in the Hart van de Stad-krant nr. 161, Leiden

De mens een plant | September / Radio interview for 'Cultuur 071' / Sleutelstad FM, Leiden

De mens een plant | September / announcement of the publication in BK-information

De mens een plant (Man a plant) | September / The first Dutch translation of L'Homme-plante is published by Primaverapers, Leiden

Klosterklänge | August - September / Graphic design for the concertseries by Ars Choralis Coeln, Cologne

De boude stelling eindigt niet met een vraagteken | August / Review by Hans Schuurman in the Leids Nieuwsblad, Leiden

Workgroup Stolpersteine Leiden | may-present / research prior to- and supervision of the placement of stumbling stones under the auspices of the Stichting Herdenking Jodenvervolging Leiden (Jewish Persecution Memorial Foundation Leiden)

Het noodlottig ongeval | May / publication on the website leiden4045

De mens een plant | April / First version of the translation of L'Homme-plante (1748) of the French philosopher Julien Offray de La Mettrie, Rotterdam

maanaarde | April / writing residency at the Stadsboerderij, research for a second novel, Almere

Five Stolpersteine for the Weijl-family | March / stone-placing in front of the former Jewish bakery in the Kloksteeg 3, Leiden

Maria Keizerin van Dordt (Maria, Empress of Dordrecht) | February / 2nd version of costume- and set design for music theater production (performances 2021 cancelled) / Hollands Diep, Dordrecht

Webmaster | January-now / management & upkeep of the Arnold Schalks Internet Archive and the websites of de Vrije Schuur, Bühne de Bovenlucht, podium OCW



Maria Keizerin van Dordt (Maria, Empress of Dordrecht) | November / 1st version of costume- and set design for music theater production (performances 2020 cancelled) / Hollands Diep, Dordrecht

Dossier 071 | October-November / transcription of day- and night reports of the Leiden city police 1940-1944 / Erfgoed Leiden en Omstreken

Wie lange noch | October / Lighting for the music theater production, commissioned by Tresonanz / Sigarenfabriek, Delft

Crimmp_34 | August / technical assistance music theater project / stage OCW, Rotterdam

mit leichtem Gepäck | June-September / Contribution to group exhibtion / Ministerium für Heimat, Kommunales, Bau und Gleichstellung, Düsseldorf

maanaarde | April / writing residency at the Stadsboerderij, research for a second novel, Almere

Klosterklänge | April - Oktober / Graphic design for the concertseries by Ars Choralis Coeln, Cologne

Verschenen | April / mention 'Steeg' in 'Leidraad', magazine for graduates and relations of the Leiden University, Leiden

De tijdloze Kloksteeg | March / review 'Steeg' on the website 'Literair Nederland'

Portretten uit de Kloksteeg | March / review 'Steeg' in quarterly of the Historische Vereniging Oud-Leiden, Leiden

Steeg, kroniek van een zere plek (Alley, chronicle of a sore spot) | February / presentation in the shop window of bookshop 'de Kler', Leiden

Crimmp_33 | January / technical assistance theater project / stage OCW, Rotterdam

Webmaster | January-now / management & upkeep of the Arnold Schalks Internet Archive and the websites of de Vrije Schuur, Bühne de Bovenlucht, podium OCW



Crimmp_32 | November-December / technical assistance concert program / stage OCW, Rotterdam

Steeg, Arnold Schalks | November / review on the facebook account 'Langs Leidse straten', Leiden

Kloksteeg recht voor zijn raap | November / review by Wilfred Simons in the Leidsch Dagblad, Leiden

Steeg, kroniek van een zere plek | October / review by Hans Schuurman in the Leids Nieuwsblad, Leiden

Steeg, kroniek van een zere plek | October / radio interview for 'Cultuur 071' / Sleutelstad FM, Leiden

Dido and Aeneas | October / Lighting for the music-theaterproduction, commissioned by Tresonanz / Sigarenfabriek, Delft

Steeg, kroniek van een zere plek | September / Book presentation of the novel with the same name / Leeszaal Rotterdam West

Steeg, kroniek van een zere plek | September / Book presentation of the novel with the same name / Old School, Leiden

Steeg, kroniek van een zere plek | September / Steeg is published by Primaverapers, Leiden

Steeg, kroniek van een zere plek| September / Interview in the 'Hart van de Stad'-newspaper no. 156 / Leiden

Crimmp_31 | juni / technical assistance theater project / stage OCW, Rotterdam

An Invitation to DANCE | May / Installation of the videoinstallation by Noud Heerkens as part of '25 jaar Dansateliers' / TENT, Rotterdam

off-crimmp_04 | April / technique for the theater performance by Gerwin Luijendijk and Bernd Krauß / stage OCW, Rotterdam

alley| March / final editing and printer's proof for the 'Chronicle of a sore spot' by publisher Primaverapers, Leiden

de Synode | January-May / graphic design for the opera with the same name by Musictheater Hollands Diep, Dordrecht

Webmaster | January-now / management & upkeep of the Arnold Schalks Internet Archive and the websites of de Vrije Schuur, Bühne de Bovenlucht, podium OCW



Crimmp_30 | November / technical assistance theater project / stage OCW, Rotterdam

off-crimmp_cinema_04 | October / technique & design of a two day screening curated by Noud Heerkens / stage OCW, Rotterdam

alley | October / editing session of the rewritten manuscript by publisher Primaverapers, Leiden

Crimmp_29 | September / technical assistance theater project / stage OCW, Rotterdam

Crimmp_28 | July / production, technique & design theater project / stage OCW, Rotterdam

Ordo Virtutum | June-July / graphic design of the CD by Ars Choralis Coeln, Cologne

alley | May / typoscript of the sixth version of the novel offered to an editor, Rotterdam

Crimmp_27 | April / production, technique & design theater project / stage OCW, Rotterdam

the alley | March- April / writing residency, adaptation of the third version of the typoscript, Cologne (D)

the alley | March / typoscript of the third version of the novel offered to an editor, Rotterdam

An Invitation to DANCE | March / contribution to the construction of the videoinstallation by Noud Heerkens for Cinedans 2018 / Shelter, Amsterdam

Crimmp_26 | February / production, technique & design theater project / stage OCW, Rotterdam

off-crimmp_cinema_03 | January / technique & design of a two day screening curated by Noud Heerkens / stage OCW, Rotterdam

the alley | January-now / work for an extensive personal writing project / Rotterdam

Webmaster | January-now / management & upkeep of the Arnold Schalks Internet Archive and the websites of de Vrije Schuur, Bühne de Bovenlucht, podium OCW



Nationale Zinnenbank | December / third emission of filing cards with Dutch main- and subordinate clauses for an exclusive clientele / Rotterdam

the alley | November / typoscript of the second version of the novel offered to a small circle of proof-readers / Rotterdam

SCHapo! | May / design & technique theater performance / stage OCW, Rotterdam

Crimmp_25 | May / composition, production, technique & design theater project / stage OCW, Rotterdam

the alley | April / writer in residence at the Stadsboerderij, completion of a first version of the typoscript / Almere (NL)

hidden landscape | April / contribution to an extensive publication edited by Jap Sam books / Heijningen (NL)

Crimmp_24 | February / composition, production, technique & design theater project / stage OCW, Rotterdam

Crimmp_23 | January / composition, production, technique & design theater project / stage OCW, Rotterdam

the alley | January-now / work for an extensive personal writing project / Rotterdam

Webmaster | January-now / management & upkeep of the Arnold Schalks Internet Archive and the websites of de Vrije Schuur, Bühne de Bovenlucht, podium OCW



off-crimmp_cinema_02 | December / technique & design of a two day screening curated by Noud Heerkens / stage OCW, Rotterdam

Crimmp_22 | November / composition, production, technique & design theater project / stage OCW, Rotterdam

Crimmp_21 | October / composition, production, technique & design theater project / stage OCW, Rotterdam

the concordance | December / publication of the report on my residence period in Buitenplaats Koningsweg, Schaarsbergen (NL)

hidden landscape | June / artist in residence, exploration and writing commission / Buitenplaats Koningsweg, Schaarsbergen (NL)

off-crimmp_cinema_01 | April / technique & design film program curated by Noud Heerkens / stage OCW, Rotterdam

off-crimmp_03 | March / hosting of a performance by Gerwin Luijendijk en Jos Deuss / stage OCW, Rotterdam

Vox sanguinis | March / light, technique and co-direction of the music theater production of Cora Schmeiser / Cenakel, Tilburg (NL)

Crimmp_20 | February / composition, production, technique & design theater project / stage OCW, Rotterdam

the alley | January-December / work for an extensive personal writing project / Rotterdam

Webmaster | January-now / management & upkeep of the Arnold Schalks Internet Archive and the websites of de Vrije Schuur, Bühne de Bovenlucht, podium OCW & Cora Schmeiser



Stage OCW | November 2015-January 2016 / Major alteration of a new location for the venue. Move from the Osseweistraat 35 to the Drievriendenstraat 26, Rotterdam

Vox sanguinis | October, November, December / Light, technique and co-direction of the music theater production of Cora Schmeiser / stage OCW, Rotterdam; Groot Gasthuis, 's-Hertogenbosch; Ostadetheater, Amsterdam

de verdieping | March-May / Research period as an upbeat for a perennial literary project / Cologne (D)

Nationale Zinnenbank | March / second emission of filing cards with Dutch main- and subordinate clauses for an exclusive clientele / Rotterdam

dit en dat | February / graphic design of the CD by ensemble Lunyala (D) / Rotterdam

inBAF | February / participation in the international Book Art Fair on invitation of Nishiko and Aki Namba / Fenixloods 1, Rotterdam

Crimmp_19 | January-February / composition, production, technique & design theater project / stage OCW, Rotterdam

Webmaster | January-now / management & upkeep of the Arnold Schalks Internet Archive and the websites of de Vrije Schuur, Bühne de Bovenlucht, podium OCW, de Surinoemer & Cora Schmeiser



Crimmp_18 | november / composition, production, technique & design theater project / stage OCW, Rotterdam

The big Rotterdam art calender 2015 | November / contribution: calendersheet May 18, 2015 / Rotterdam

Nationale Zinnenbank | november / first emission of filing cards with Dutch main- and subordinate clauses for an exclusive clientele / Rotterdam

Crimmp_17 | October / composition, production, technique & design theater project / stage OCW, Rotterdam

Nationale Zinnenbank | July / founding of the institute for the cumulation of Dutch main- and subordinate clauses, Rotterdam

Vogels en Bloemen van V & V | June / stage design & technique theater performance / Podiumkunsten Emmakade, Den Haag

woordnacht | May / participation in Toine Horvers' performance / Rotterdam

video vareo 4 | April / contribution 'someni tongo' to a video program / Rotterdam

hier und dort | March / graphic design of the CD by Cora Schmeiser / Rotterdam

Crimmp_16 | February / composition, production, technique & design theater project / stage OCW, Rotterdam

Get it while you can | January & May / light theatrical concert / Gouvernestraat, Rotterdam & Compagnietheater, Amsterdam

Webmaster | January-now / management & upkeep of the Arnold Schalks Internet Archive and the websites of de Vrije Schuur, Bühne de Bovenlucht, podium OCW, de Surinoemer & Cora Schmeiser



KRIMP 2 | December / second series of eight poems for the reader, independent publication / Rotterdam.

Crimmp_15 | December / composition, production, technique & design theater project / stage OCW, Rotterdam

Crimmp_14 | November / composition, production, technique & design theater project / stage OCW, Rotterdam

MIKROwave | October / hosting of a live music event / stage OCW, Rotterdam

Crimmp_13 | September / composition, production, technique & design theater project / stage OCW, Rotterdam

Inf. ins. / September / contribution to group exhibition / Leeszaal Rotterdam West

Resistance Museum Junoir / September / design & production requisites for museum for children 9-14 / Resistance Museum, Amsterdam

Vogels en Bloemen van V & V / June / stage design & technique theater performance / stage OCW, Rotterdam and Landcommandery Alden Biesen (B)

Get it while you can / June & September / light theatrical concert / beach tent 'de Fuut', Den Haag

Crimmp_12 | May / composition, production, technique & design theater project / stage OCW, Rotterdam

Idea development | March / guest lectures / Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam.

Crimmp_11 | March / composition, production, technique & design theater project / stage OCW, Rotterdam

STIL (QUIET) | March / stage design & light chamber opera / stage OCW, Rotterdam

Crimmp_10 | january / composition, production, technique & design theater project / stage OCW, Rotterdam

Webmaster | January-now / management & upkeep of the Arnold Schalks Internet Archive and the websites of de Vrije Schuur, Bühne de Bovenlucht, podium OCW, de Surinoemer & Cora Schmeiser



Crimmp_09 | November / organisation, production & technique small-scale theater project / stage OCW, Rotterdam.

Daghengsten | October / video contribution to MC Tori composed by Alida Neslo / MC Theater, Amsterdam

Death Knocks | August-September / stage design & light theater performance / NJO Music summer Gelderland

Opera 'Death Knocks' bij de NJO Muziekzomer / August / Interview with director David Prins for KRO's' De Ochtend van vier' / Radio 4

Tekst Woody Allen gaat verloren in het operageweld / August / review in de Stentor

Avonturen van 'Die Witte Man' in Santo Boma | May / publication in OSO, magazine for Surinamistics and the Caribic, Amsterdam

DORO | April-May / stage design, light & video theater performance / Thalia, Paramaribo, Suriname.

Opera Fatu Doro / May / review in Times of Suriname

Thalia 175 jaar: Opera Fatu Doro, ‘De prijs van Vrijheid’ / May / newspaper article in de Ware Tijd

‘Creatief, intens en een must see!’ / May / review in de Ware Tijd

Opera Fatu Doro / April / blog caraibischeletteren

Thalia presenteert theater op 'hoog niveau' / April / item on

Opera Fatu Doro: ‘Een greep uit het leven’ / April / newspaper article in de Ware Tijd

Crimmp_07 | February / organisation, production & technique small-scale theater project / stage OCW, Rotterdam.

Verspreide geschriften | February / independent publication / Rotterdam

Wansma Kondre | February / independent publication in 5 volumes / Rotterdam

Crimmp_06 | January / organisation, production & technique small-scale theater project / stage OCW, Rotterdam

Klondike River | January / issue catalogue / ZwoAcht: Edition publisher, Bremen

Oefening van Liefde | January / technique and light design theater performance / Rotterdam and Helmond

Webmaster | January-now / management & upkeep of the Arnold Schalks Internet Archive and the websites of de Vrije Schuur, Bühne de Bovenlucht, podium OCW, de Surinoemer & Cora Schmeiser



Oefening van Liefde | december / technique and light design theater performance / Maastricht.

Crimmp_05 | November / organisation, production & technique small-scale theater project / stage OCW, Rotterdam.

The big Rotterdam art calender 2012 | November / contribution: calendersheet June 8, 2012 / Rotterdam.

La Garçonne | November | technique and light design theater performance / Elisabeth Bas / première theater Walhalla, Rotterdam.

Rossini's secret recipe | set- & light design musictheatre production / première November, CC de Kollebloem, Puurs a.o. (B)

Lohengrin | set- & light design opera / premiere September, Tiroler Landestheater, Innsbruck (A).

'Kein Märchen, sondern romantische Realität' | September / review in the Tiroler Tageszeitung

'Viel Neugier im Brautgemach' | September / review in the Tiroler Tageszeitung

'Märchenhaft und stimmgewaltig' | September / review in the Kronenzeitung.

'Es darf nur schön sein' | September / review on

Filmbüro Bremen: Offenes Atelier / Offene Galerie | June / Video screening of 1994 Reederei Schalks-project / Güterbahnhof Bremen.

ELF (eleven) | May-October / Four spoken word contributions to CommandoRadio, Dordrecht and vicinity.

Crimmp_04 | May / organisation, production & stage design small-scale theater project / stage OCW, Rotterdam.

Crimmp_03 | March / organisation, production & technique small-scale theater project / stage OCW, Rotterdam.

Script| January & March / performance with Cora Schmeiser / Dordrecht & Delft (NL).

Webmaster | January-now / management & upkeep of the Arnold Schalks Internet Archive and the websites of de Vrije Schuur, Bühne de Bovenlucht, podium OCW, de Surinoemer & Cora Schmeiser



Mirandolina | December-February 2011 / set- and light design for musictheatre production / Opera Trionfo, Haarlem a.o.

'Opera Trionfo brengt ontspannen 'Mirandolina'' | January / review in the Telegraaf, Amsterdam

'Opera op het snijvlak van slapstick en stripverhaal' | December / review in the Volkskrant, Amsterdam

'Martinu’s ’Mirandolina’ mist iedere sprankeling' | December / review in Trouw, Amsterdam

'OT bewijst bestaansrecht met 'Mirandolina'' | December / review on

'Mirandolina brengt ook de luisteraar het hoofd op hol' | December / review in the Haarlems Dagblad, Haarlem

'Opera van Martinu blijft een niemendal' | December / review in the NRC Handelsblad, Amsterdam

'Zappen tussen de ritmes' / December | article in the Cultural Supplement of the NRC Handelsblad, Amsterdam

'Morgen gaat de komische opera Mirandolina in première van Opera Trionfo' | December / Interview on nos radio, Hilversum

Crimmp_02 | November / organisation, composition, design & technique small-scale theater project / stage OCW, Rotterdam.

PUSTE | October / contribution to group exhibition Klondike River / Schuppen 1, Bremen (D).

'Die Hallenflüsterer' | October / newspaper article in the TAZ / Bremen (D)

'Grenzenlose Dimensionen - Junge Künstler in Bremen' | October / online article on www.Globe M

'Ausstellung Klondike River' /October / radio report Nordwestradio / Bremen (D)

'Goldrausch in der Uberseestadt' | October / newspaper article in the Bremer Anzeiger / Bremen (D)

'Kunst als Pioniergewächs' | October / newspaper article in the Weser Kurier / Bremen (D).

'Klondike River zeigt Kunst zum mitmachen' | October / newspaper article in the Weser Kurier / Bremen (D).

Paramaribo Perspectives | September /contribution to group exhibition / TENT. Rotterdam.

Crimmp_01 | September / organisation, composition, design & technique small-scale theater project / stage OCW, Rotterdam.

KRIMP | September /eight poems for the reader, independent publication / Rotterdam.

Festival t-shirt | June / statement for the 41st Poetry International Festival / New Canvas Productions / Rotterdam.

Amygdala | June / light design & -technique for music theater production / foundation Nieuw Muziektheater Rotterdam / Rotterdam.

Codarts | May / guest lecture students music theater, minor / Codarts, highschool for the arts, Rotterdam.

Ursonate| April / visuals & technique for music performance / Podiumkunsten Emmakade, The Hague.

Amygdala | March / set design and set construction for music theater production / foundation Nieuw Muziektheater Rotterdam / Rotterdam.

de SurinoemerJubilee issue | February / design & composition compilation newssheet / Paramaribo.

Wan ede | February / video installation / De Surinaamsche Bank, Paramaribo, Suriname.

Sroto | February / visuals & technique for music performance / De Surinaamsche Bank, Paramaribo, Suriname.

ParamariboSPAN | February / editing & interviews for publication / Kit-publishers, Amsterdam.

arnold schalks portal | January / start of portal / Rotterdam.

Oefening van Liefde | January / technique and light design theater performance / Amersfoort and The Hague.

Webmaster | January-now / management & upkeep of the Arnold Schalks Internet Archive and the websites of de Vrije Schuur, Bühne de Bovenlucht, podium OCW, de Surinoemer, ArtRoPa & Cora Schmeiser



the paintposer | December / workshop for music school talents / SKVR-Open Academy for Visual Arts, Rotterdam.

the paintposer | November / workshop for music school talents / SKVR-Open Academy for Visual Arts, Rotterdam.

Feint | November / organisation, composition, design & technique small-scale theater project / stage OCW, Rotterdam.

the Surinoemer no.7 | November / design & editing newssheet / web & Paramaribo.

podiumocw| November-December / start website / Rotterdam.

the Surinoemer no.6 | August / design & editing newssheet / web & Paramaribo.

'Boefjes op het Surinaamse podium' | augustus / article in Vrij Nederland / Amsterdam.

Krasi fu fri| August / design logo for project with juvenile delinquents / Santo Boma/Thalia, Paramaribo.

podium OCW | July / founding of a small-scale theater stage / Rotterdam.

the Binary | June / exhibition / 40th Poetry International festival, Schouwburg, Rotterdam.

'De te schrappen woorden schrappen' | june / article in program Poetry International / Rotterdam.

'Language in art / Taal in kunst' | June / editing publication / Rotterdam.

'Language in art / Taal in kunst' | June / visual contribution to publication / Rotterdam. | June / start website / Rotterdam.

Oefening van Liefde | May-June / technique and light design for theatre performance / Rotterdam, Utrecht, Amsterdam and Den Haag.

JOOST | April / performance with Cora Schmeiser / Frascati Amsterdam.

the paintposer | April / workshop for music school talents / SKVR-Open Academy for Visual Arts, Rotterdam.

Book party 2009 | March / presentation of the Someni Tongo-project, Vereniging Ons Suriname, Amsterdam.

The literary Zoo | March / graphic design of the invitation for the Book party at the Vereniging Ons Suriname / Amsterdam.

the Surinoemer no.5 | March / design & editing newssheet / web & Paramaribo/Rotterdam/Amsterdam.

Webmaster | January-December / management & upkeep of the Arnold Schalks Internet Archive and the websites of de Vrije Schuur, Bühne de Bovenlucht, de Surinoemer & Cora Schmeiser.



'Voordracht Wan in Someni tongo boeit aanwezigen' | December / article in the Surinamese newspaper de Ware Tijd / Paramaribo.

Someni tongo | November / design & production DVD / Paramaribo, Suriname.

'Someni tongo laatste keer in Palmentuin' | November / article in the Surinamese newspaper de Ware Tijd / Paramaribo.

Someni tongo | November / organisation & technique community project / STVS & Palm garden, Paramaribo, Surinam.

'Speciaal tintje aan repetitie 25e sterfdag Dobru' | November / article in the Surinamese newspaper de Ware Tijd / Paramaribo.

'Skrifiman taki' | November / Roué Hupsel interviewed Arnold Schalks for the SRS-radio program Skrifiman Taki, Paramaribo.

Someni tongo - zoveel talen' | November / article on >> onder de leeslamp.

'Someni tongo in wan' | November / article in the Surinamese newspaper de Ware Tijd / Paramaribo.

Wan switi Kresneti | October-December / 13 guest lectures in the JOG / Santo Boma Penitentiary, Suriname

'Je kunt niet van één bord eten' | October / preview of the interview with Kurt Nahar in the Surinamese newspaper de Ware Tijd / Paramaribo.

'Een intermenselijk cultureel avontuur' | October / preview of the interview with Steve Ammersingh in the Surinamese newspaper de Ware Tijd / Paramaribo.

KETURI (FOUR) | September / set design, light design, technique / big hangar, Klaipeda, Lithuania.

the Surinoemer no.4 | August / design & editing newssheet / web & Paramaribo/Rotterdam.

'Surinaamse gedichten op Paradetraverse' | June / article in the Surinamese newspaper de Ware Tijd / Paramaribo.

UDU & WATRA | June / recitation Surinamese poetry / Museumpark, Rotterdam.

'Website Surinoemer uitgebreid' | May / article in the Surinamese newspaper de Ware Tijd / Paramaribo.

prakseri bangi/thoughts bank | May / start of a database for Surinamese poetry / Rotterdam.

the Surinoemer no.3 | May / design & editing newssheet / web & Paramaribo, Suriname.

Idea development | April / guest lecture / Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam.

De Andere Krant | March / contribution to group exhibition / WdW63, Rotterdam.

the Surinoemer no.2 | February / design & editing newssheet / web & Paramaribo, Suriname. | February / start website / Rotterdam.

Webmaster | January-December / management & upkeep of the Arnold Schalks Internet Archive and the websites of de Vrije Schuur, Bühne de Bovenlucht & Cora Schmeiser



'Beelddichter op de Gran Rio' | December / article in the Surinamese newspaper de Ware Tijd / Paramaribo.

De Surinoemer no.1 | December / design & editing newssheet / Paramaribo, Suriname.

Christmas play | December / guest lecture in the JOG / Santo Boma Penitentiary, Suriname

'Rotterdamse kunstenaars presenteren zich' | November / article in the Surinamese newspaper de Ware Tijd / Paramaribo.

ArtRoPa | November - December / exploration cultural exchange project / Paramaribo, Suriname

VIER | November / set design music theater performance / Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ, Amsterdam.

VIER | November / graphic design invitation and programme / Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ, Amsterdam.

Imaginings | October / graphic art / art center DOK, Delft.

Der Fliegende Holländer | set design opera / premiere June, Tiroler Landestheater, Innsbruck (A).

Fliegende Holländer drawing workshop | June / workshop with children / Tiroler Landestheater, Innsbruck (A).

Der Fliegende Holländer | graphic design invitation card opera / Tiroler Landestheater, Innsbruck (A).

A Song of Struggle and Detachment | set design music theater performance / premiere May, Theatre Lantaren/Venster, Rotterdam.

KURT SCHWITTERS, the foolish antibourgeoise | March / design & technique theater performance / Goethe-Institut Rotterdam.

KURT SCHWITTERS, the foolish antibourgeoise | March / design invitation and program / Goethe-Institut Rotterdam.

A Tempest | January / graphic design program music theater performance / Barokopera Amsterdam.

Webmaster | January-December / management & upkeep of the Arnold Schalks Internet Archive and the websites of de Vrije Schuur, Bühne de Bovenlucht, Cora Schmeiser & Barokopera Amsterdam.



Back to the Future | June / performance & design theater performance / Oerol Festival, Terschelling (NL).

Netwerk II | June / contribution to group exhibition / Poetry&Art, Rotterdamse Schouwburg.

Dingen II | June / contribution to group exhibition / Kunst & Complex, Rotterdam.

ZILVER (NL) | June / contribution to audio-book, independent publication / Rotterdam.

Netwerk | March - April / exhibition project / media centre DOK, Delft (NL).

Netwerk, the information leaflet (NL) | March / independent publication / Rotterdam.

Idea development | February - July / teaching / Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam.

The production workshop | February - May / teaching / SKVR-Open Academy for Visual Arts, Rotterdam.

Webmaster | January-December / management & upkeep of the Arnold Schalks Internet Archive and the websites of foundation Kunst & Complex, de Vrije Schuur, Bühne de Bovenlucht, Cora Schmeiser & Barokopera Amsterdam.



7XZ (Zeven maal Zoet) (NL) | December / sugar bags, independent publication / Rotterdam.

'Hoogwaardige 'achtertuinkunst' met de functie van Schuurpapier' | November / article in Tubelight no. 41 / Rotterdam.

Der Vetter aus Dingsda | set design music theater performance / première November, Rijswijkse Schouwburg, Rijswijk (NL).

2x Lake of the Woods | October / video message, This Neck of the Woods, Rotterdam.

POINTperiod period fonts (NL) | October / multiple, CD-ROM, independent publication / Rotterdam.

POINTperiod | September - October / organisation, composition, design & technique art project / art space the Free Shed, Rotterdam.

Schuurpapier No.6 (NL, GB) | September / independent publication / Rotterdam.

The production workshop | September - January 2006 / teaching / SKVR-Open Academy for Visual Arts, Rotterdam.

Polleak | August / workshop for/with children / SKVR-Open Academy for Visual Arts, Rotterdam.

Idea development | August - January 2006 / teaching / Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam.

Bloemlezen | June / organisation, composition, design & technique art project / art space the Free Shed, Rotterdam.

Schuurpapier No.5 (NL, GB) | June / independent publication / Rotterdam.

Spare | April / organisation, composition, design & technique art project / art space the Free Shed, Rotterdam.

Schuurpapier No.4 (NL, GB) | April / independent publication / Rotterdam.

Idea development | March - July / teaching / Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam.

Composed Compost | March / organisation, composition, design & technique art project / art space the Free Shed, Rotterdam.

Schuurpapier No.3 (NL, GB) | March / independent publication / Rotterdam.

SMACK! | February / organisation, design & technique art project / art space the Free Shed, Rotterdam.

Schuurpapier No.2 (NL, GB) | February / independent publication / Rotterdam. | February /start website / Rotterdam.

Webmaster | January-December / management & upkeep of the Arnold Schalks Internet Archive and the websites of foundation Kunst & Complex, Bühne de Bovenlucht, Cora Schmeiser & Barokopera Amsterdam.



Christ-miss! | December / workshop for/with children / SKVR-Open Academy for Visual Arts, Rotterdam.

Barokopera Amsterdam | December / webdesign / Barokopera Amsterdam.

King Arthur | December / graphic design program / Barokopera Amsterdam.

SPUTNIZA | December - January 2005 / contribution tot group exhibition / Städtische Galerie für Gegenwartskunst, Dresden (D).

V.S. | November / organisation, composition, design & technique art project / art space the Free Shed, Rotterdam.

Schuurpapier No.1 | November / independent publication / Rotterdam.

Kunsthalle | October / workshop for/with children / AKKi e.V., Düsseldorf (D).

de Vrije Schuur (the Free Shed) | September / founding of a new art space / Rotterdam.

Bleu | from August until now / webdesign, theater group Bleu, Den Haag (NL).

'Klasse der Avantgarde' | June / newspaper article in the Kronenzeitung.

'Das Russische Rot kündet Liebe und Blut' | June / article of Austria Presseagentur.

'Der Russen-Seele wilder Klang' | June / newspaper article in the Kurier.

'Sex and Crime aus Liebeshunger' | June / newspaper article in the Tiroler Tageszeitung.

Lady Macbeth von Mtsensk | set design opera / première June, Tiroler Landestheater, Innsbruck (A).

Drie gouden haren van de Duivel (NL) | May / CD-ROM, independent publication / Rotterdam.

Koning, Keizer, Digitaal | May /workshop for/with children / SKVR, concert- and congress center De Doelen, Rotterdam.

Graven en bewaren, wat vertelt een voorwerp? | March / visiting lecturer at the Center for visual arts, Alphen (NL).

Junior art class | February - May / teaching / SKVR-Open Academy for Visual Arts, Rotterdam.

Handgemenge | February / contribution to group exhibition / Produzentengalerie plan.d., Düsseldorf (D).

Graven en bewaren, wat vertelt een voorwerp? | January / visiting lecturer at a primary school in Ter Aar (NL).

Webmaster | January-December / management & upkeep of the Arnold Schalks Internet Archive and the websites of foundation Kunst & Complex, de Vrije Schuur, Bühne de Bovenlucht & Cora Schmeiser.



'Marthe verborgen achter de muziek' | November / newspaper article in the Limburger.

'Opera 'Marthe': de meijnen dcht, de emoties op hol' | November / newspaper article in the Haagse Courant.

MARTHE, een steenkoolOPERA | set design opera / Première November, Glaspaleis, Heerlen (NL).

Jaap & Shirley | October / graphic design invitation and poster, Dri3 Stenen Theaterproductions / Amsterdam.

Junior art class | September - January 2004 / teaching / SKVR-Open Academy for Visual Arts, Rotterdam.

'Rotterdam brengt zeldzame operaatjes' | September / newspaper article Algemeen Dagblad / Rotterdam.

CONTACT the Opera | set design opera / première September, Rotterdamse Schouwburg.

Listening to a drawing | October / workshop for/with children / SKVR-Open Academy for Visual Arts, Rotterdam.

Speechwater | July / composition & design audio-book, independent publication / Rotterdam.

Speechwater | July - August / art project with children / QI-Art-island, Quarantaineweg 1, Rotterdam.

Territory | lecture on site-specific projects, Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam.

Fieldwork | March / visiting lecturer at the Hochschule für Gestaltung and Kunst, Zürich (CH).

de Overkrant (NL) | May / newspaper art project with children, independent publication / Rotterdam.

k.k.kletter-font | May / CD-ROMart project with children, independent publication / Rotterdam.

Junior art class | January - May / teaching / SKVR-Open Academy for Visual Arts, Rotterdam.

Webmaster | January-December / management & upkeep of the Arnold Schalks Internet Archive and the websites of foundation Kunst & Complex, Bühne de Bovenlucht & Cora Schmeiser.



Graven en bewaren, wat vertelt een voorwerp? | November / visiting lecturer at two primary schools in Piershil (NL).

Junior art class | September - January 2003 / teaching / SKVR-Open Academy for Visual Arts, Rotterdam.

After Nature / September / workshop with/for children / Museumpark, Rotterdam.

Basic grant | September / Fonds BKVB, Amsterdam.

Sprachraumausstattung | August / workshop with/for children / Akki-Haus in the Südpark, Düsseldorf (D).

Magic from the Far East | August / workshop with/for children / Ahoy-Hall, Rotterdam.

Waterfront Festival | June & July / presentation Communicating Vsssels project / New York Public Library, Staten Island (USA).

'Spookachtig filmfestival naast de afwerkplek' | June / newspaper article in the Rotterdams Dagblad / Rotterdam.

'Global Attic Festival trekt de stad in' | June / newspaper article in the Rotterdams Dagblad / Rotterdam.

5th Global Attic film- & video Festival | June / organisation, design & facilities filmfestival / Bühne de BovenLucht, Rotterdam.

Colonia non olet (D) | June / compostion and design walking map, independent publication / Cologne.

Unterhaltung für Deutschland (D) | May / contributions to audio-book / Dizzy Verlag, Düsseldorf (D).

'Munteres Hundegebell beim Stapellauf' | May / newspaper article in the Weser Kurier / Bremen.

Obstacle course for dogs | May - June / art ptroject in public space, / Gröpelingen (D).

Houses, squares, parks, roads | April / workshop for/with children / SKVR-Open Academy for Visual Arts, Rotterdam.

Studium Generale | lecture on site-specific projects, Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam.

'Slapen in kunst' | April / newspapaer article in the Volkskrant / Amsterdam.

Underneath the turf | April /contribution to group exhibition / TENT., Rotterdam.

Nut-studio | March / workshop for/with children / concert- and congresscenter De Doelen, Rotterdam.

Materiaal omgezet in beeld | February - June / teaching / SKVR-Open Academy for Visual Arts, Rotterdam.

Junior art class | February - June / teaching / SKVR-Open Academy for Visual Arts, Rotterdam.

'tomorrow another day' | February / composition & design birthday calender, independent publication / Rotterdam.

Spring | February / workshop for/with children / SKVR-Open Academy for Visual Arts, Rotterdam.

'4711 Schritte für duftende Aktionskunst' | January / newspaper article in the Kölner Stadt Anzeiger / Cologne.

Webmaster | January-December / management & upkeep of the Arnold Schalks Internet Archive and the websites of foundation Kunst & Complex, Bühne de Bovenlucht & Cora Schmeiser.



A.S.I.A. off-line (NL, D, GB, F, E) | from December until now / DVD-ROM, independent publication / Rotterdam.

Graven en bewaren, wat vertelt een voorwerp? | November - March 2002 / visiting lecturer at primary schools in Warmond, Lisse and Wassenaar (NL).

Colonia non olet | October - December / ambulant art project / city center of Cologne (D).

That which Remains II | October - November / contribution to group exhibition / the Lowe Gallery at The Hudson Guild, New York (USA).

Memo | October - November / contribution to group exhibition / Townhall, Rotterdam.

Bilder am Himmel | October / workshop for/with children / AKKi e.V, Düsseldorf (D).

Gothaer Kunstforum | September - December / artist in residence / guest studio CBK (Center for visual arts, Rotterdam), Alteburger Wall 1, Cologne (D).

Signed by... | August / workshop for/with children / SKVR-Open Academy for Visual Arts, Rotterdam.

Beginners course 'Manuscript for Magicians' | August / workshop for/with children / Ahoy-Halle, Rotterdam.

Picnic in the Park (GB, RU) | July / design of documentation workshop for/with children / independent publication / Rotterdam.

Featherlight tidings Holland | July / workshop for/with children / SKVR-Open Academy for Visual Arts, Rotterdam.

Wachtgedachten (NL) | June / design booklet for workshop for/with children, independent publication / Rotterdam.

Featherlight tidings Russia | May / workshop for/with children / Children's Park in the Avtozavodski district, Togliatti, Russia.

Two realities | May / workshop for/with children / bookshop Donner, Lijnbaan, Rotterdam.

Twenty above Zero (NL, GB) | April / design of and contributions to independent publication / Rotterdam.

Materiaal omgezet in beeld | February - June / teaching / SKVR-Open Academy for Visual Arts, Rotterdam.

Junior art class | February - June / teaching / SKVR-Open Academy for Visual Arts, Rotterdam.

Webmaster | January-December / management & upkeep of the Arnold Schalks Internet Archive and the websites of foundation Kunst & Complex, Bühne de Bovenlucht & Cora Schmeiser.



Living room project | December - February 2001 / production of props for junior theater project / SKVR, Rotterdam.

That which Remains I | October - November / contribution to group exhibition / Bernadette Salvage Fine Art, Williamsburg New York (USA).

Dancing on the water | October / workshop for/with children / Maritime Museum, Rotterdam.

The Life brigade | September - November | set design and -construction for theater performance / performances in 16 Dutch theaters.

'Rampen bestrijden met gestotter' | September / newspaper article in the Rotterdams Dagblad / Rotterdam.

Recombinant | September / organisation, composition, design & technique theater project / Bühne de BovenLucht, Rotterdam.

Reportage A4 | 18, 19 & 20 September / triptych about the Recombinant performances / NCRV Radio 4 / Hilversum.

The Life brigade | August / design invitation and poster for theater performance / Harrie Kies theaterproductions, Leiden (NL).

K&C | June - December / webdesign, foundation Kunst & Complex, Rotterdam.

'Sopranen en helse machine op vierde Global Attic' | juni / newspaper article in the Rotterdams Dagblad / Rotterdam.

4th Global Attic video- and Filmfestival | June / organisation, design & facilities filmfestival / Bühne de BovenLucht, Rotterdam.

Exhibition grant for the exhibition 'plän.e' | June / Center for visual arts, Rotterdam.

plän.e | March - April / contribution to duo exhibition /Produzentengalerie plan.d., Düsseldorf (D).

Graven en bewaren, wat vertelt een voorwerp? | February - March / visiting lecturer at primary schools in Lisse (NL).

Kosmobiel (NL) | January / composition and design of independent publication / Rotterdam.

De naäaprots (NL) | January / composition and design of independent publication / Rotterdam.

Webmaster | January-December / management & upkeep of the Arnold Schalks Internet Archive and the website of Bühne de Bovenlucht.



De Nieuwsgierige Aap (DNA) | December - January 2000 / educational art project / Center for visual arts, Rotterdam.

Bilder am Himmel | October / workshop for/with children / AKKi e.V, Düsseldorf (D).

'Art for the environment' | September / newspaper article in the Hull Daily Mail / Hull.

Both Ends Meet | September / solo exhibition / Quay Art, Hull (GB).

Brandschat | September / organisation, composition, design & technique theater project / Bühne de BovenLucht, Rotterdam.

Rules of fist | September / design of a notice board for primary school 't Landje / Rotterdam.

Graven en bewaren, wat vertelt een voorwerp? | March - June / visiting lecturer at primary schools in Vianen (NL).

UNASKED PRINTED MATTER and other forms of artistic generosity | March - April / contribution to group exhibition / Exposorium, Amsterdam.

Graven en bewaren, wat vertelt een voorwerp? | February / exhibition / Stedelijk Museum, Vianen (NL).

Webmaster | January-December / management & upkeep of the Arnold Schalks Internet Archive.



UNASKED PRINTED MATTER and other forms of artistic generosity | November - January 1999 / contributions to group exhibition / Sandberg 2, Hoorn.

Bilder am Himmel | October / workshop for/with children / AKKi e.V, Düsseldorf (D).

Communicating Vessels Catalogue (GB) | September / composition and design of independent publication / Staten Island.

Waterline Tours Guidebook (GB)| September / composition and design of independent publication / Staten Island.

The Daily Level 1-14 (GB) | September / composition and design of independent publication / Staten Island.

'Communicating vessels' | August / newspaper article in the Staten Island Advance / Staten Island (US).

Communicating Vessels | July - September / art project / Snug Harbor Cultural Center, Staten Island, New York (US).

The B.R.E.M.E.N files (GB) | July / composition and design of independent publication / Rotterdam.

Basic grant | July / Fonds BKVB, Amsterdam.

Development- and incentive grant for the project 'Communicating Vessels' | June / Center for visual arts, Rotterdam.

'Sopranen en helse machine op vierde Global Attic' | June / newspaper article in the Rotterdams Dagblad / Rotterdam.

3rd Global Attic video- & Filmfestival | June / organisation, design & facilities filmfestival / Bühne de BovenLucht, Rotterdam.

Webmaster Arnold Schalks Internet Archive (NL, D, GB, F, E) | from April until December / webdesign, management & upkeep of the Arnold Schalks Internet Archive / Rotterdam.

Traumstationen | March / contribution to group exhibition / trappist monastery Arnsburg near Lich (D).

Traumstationen (D) | March / composition and design of independent publication / Rotterdam.




Outlook | September / organisation, composition, design & technique theater project / Bühne de BovenLucht, Rotterdam.

'Global Attic Festival: A Do-It-Yourself Approach to Global Connecting' | June / article in the Poolside Magazine / Winnipeg, Canada.

2nd Global Attic video- & Filmfestival | June / organisation, design & facilities filmfestival / Bühne de BovenLucht, Rotterdam.

ReBOUNCE Bulletin (GB) | May / composition and design of the newspaper for the Dutch/Canadian exchange project, independent publication / Rotterdam.

Peeling for the arts | April - May / contribution to exchange project / CBK Tentoonstellingen, Rotterdam.

Schillen voor de kunst/peeling for the arts (NL, GB) | April / composition and design flyer, independent publication / Rotterdam.

Lecture | April / lecture on the artwork at the art academy, Arnhem (NL).

Denkramenzemen (NL) | January / composition and design independent publication / Rotterdam.



'Gele Rijder' | December / newspaper article in the Gelderlander / Arnhem.

the mobilisation | November - December / solo exhibition / art centre 'De Gele Rijder', Arnhem (NL).

the mobilisation (NL, D, GB) | November / composition and design independent publication / Rotterdam.

Das Ettingshäuser Käseblatt (D) | September / composition and design independent publication / Rotterdam.

'Das Selbstverständliche ist zum Besonderen geworden' | September / newspaper article in the Gießener Anzeiger / Ettingshausen.

Zwei Bauern Ensembles & Milchgeschirr durch die Zeiten | September/ organisation of and contributions to art project / former parsonage, Reiskirchen-Ettingshausen (D).

1st Global Attic video- & Filmfestival | April / organisation, design & facilities filmfestival / Keileweg 26, Rotterdam.

two farming ensembles (NL, D, GB) | March / composition and design independent publication / Rotterdam.

Plaatsbepaling (NL) | February / composition and design independent publication / Rotterdam.

Practice grant | Januar / Fonds BKVB, Amsterdam.



Maritime Korrespondenz (NL, D) | December / composition and design independent publication / Rotterdam.

Bilder am Himmel | October / workshop for/with children / AKKi e.V, Düsseldorf (D).

De A van Canada (NL) | August / composition and design independent publication / Rotterdam.

Climbing a tree with Words | July / workshop for/with children / Saint Norbert Arts and Cultural Centre, Saint Norbert (CAN).

BOUNCE> Rotterdam | May - June / contribution to exchange project / Saint Norbert Arts and Cultural Centre, Saint Norbert (CAN).

[...] (NL) | August / composition and design audio-book, independent publication / Rotterdam.

[...] | April / organisation of and contribution to group exhibition / CBK Tentoonstellingen, Westersingel 83, Rotterdam.

Exhibition grant for the exhibition 'Zwei Bauern Ensembles' | May / Center for visual arts, Rotterdam.



Ronsard à Paris (NL, F) | December / composition and design booklet & audio-book, independent publication / Rotterdam.

two farming ensembles | November - December / solo exhibition / Gallery 'Jorge Alyskewycz', Paris (F).

Zesentwintig (NL) | November / composition and design independent publication / Rotterdam.

Passage (NL, D, F) | September / composition and design independent publication / Rotterdam.

Dahin, dahin! (eine Eröffnung) | contribution to group exhibition / September / CBK Tentoonstellingen, Rotterdam.

Heidegger Reisen tour guide (NL) | July / composition and design independent publication / Rotterdam.

Basic grant | June / Fonds BKVB, Amsterdam.

'Ein Holzvogel weist den Weg zum Kindertreff' | June / newspaper article in the Rheinische Post, Düsseldorf.

'Ein Wanderweg wird zum Gedicht' | June / newspaper article in the Neue Rheinische Zeitung, Düsseldorf.

Ortwort Akki DaDa (D) | June / composition and design independent publication / Rotterdam.

Akki DaDa | June / workshop for/with children / AKKI pavillions, Düsseldorf (D).

Development- and incentive grant for the publication of 'Weser Bootschaft' | May / Center for visual arts, Rotterdam.

Weser Bootschaft/Weser Bootschap (NL, D) | May / composition and design newspaper, independent publication / Rotterdam.

'Die ersten Übersetzungen in einer schmalen Eisrinne' | February / newspaper article in the Weser Kurier / Bremen (D).

'Die Kunst der Reede' | February / newspaper article in the taz / Bremen.

'Wer a sagt, moet ook b zeggen' | January / newspaper article in the taz / Bremen.



Reederei SCHALKS (Übersetzungen) | December - February 1994 / solo exhibition / Gallery in the KünstlerHaus, Bremen (D).

Development and incentive grant for the project 'Reederei SCHALKS (Übersetzungen)' | December / Center for visual arts, Rotterdam.

Bilder am Himmel | October / workshop for/with children / AKKi e.V, Düsseldorf (D).

Lodging for restless elements | September - October / contribution to exchange project / Kunst & Complex, Keileweg 26, Rotterdam.

Professional costs allowance | July / Fonds BKVB, Amsterdam.

A well for Aranda (NL, D, E) | July / composition and design independent publication / Rotterdam.

A well for Aranda | June - July / contribution to exchange project / Calle Barrio Nuevo 13 and Biblioteca Municipal, Aranda de Duero (E).

Woord in Beeld | June / contribution group exhibition / art library Rijnmond, Rotterdam.

Heidegger Reisen | January - March / solo exhibition / castle of Rhoon, Rhoon (NL).



Body in motion | November - December / contribution group exhibition / V & D-store branch Veenplein, Vlaardingen.

KunstRAI art fair 1992 | June 1992 / contribution group exhibition / stand of the Rotterdam gallery 'het Veem'.

Unterwegs zur Sprache (eine Reiseübersetzung) | March / solo exhibition / gallery 'het Veem', Rotterdam.

'Op weg naar de taal' | March / article in Magazijn Nr. 213, Rotterdam.

Unterwegs zur Sprache (eine Reiseübersetzung) (NL, D) | February /composition and design independent publication / Rotterdam.

Publication grant for the brochure 'Unterwegs zur Sprache (eine Reiseübersetzung)' | February / Rotterdam Art Council (RKS).



On land and water | August / workshop for/with children / AKKi e.V, Volksgarten Düsseldorf (D).

'Kunst-Kulturen' | June / newspaper article in the Gießener Anzeiger / Gießen.

'Ich, Hier und Nun in Bad Dasein' | June / newspaper article in the Frankfurter Rundschau / Frankfurt.

Kunst/Kulturen | May - June / exhibition / 2nd art symposium Reiskirchen/Ettingshausen (D).

Chimères | March / contribution group exhibition / Expo H&K, Rotterdam.



Night kites | October / workshop for/with children / AKKi e.V, Düsseldorf (D).

, dat de maan oren hebben. | August - September / contribution group exhibition / Kunst & Complex, Rotterdam.

, dat de maan oren hebben. (NL) | May / foreword for the exhibition catalogue, Rotterdam.

Professional costs allowance | January / Fonds BKVB, Amsterdam.



Herinneringen | December - January 1990 / contribution group exhibition / gallery 'Westersingel 8', Rotterdam.

Windverspielt | October / workshop for/with children / AKKi e.V, Düsseldorf (D).

Gegen-Modell | September / workshop for/with children / construction site in the city of Unna-Königsborn (D).

'Elf Künstler gingen aufs Dorf' | July / newspaper article in the Frankfurter Rundschau.

In den Dörfern/aus den Städten | June - July / contribution group exhibition / 1st art symposium Reiskirchen/Ettingshausen (D).

Bericht aus Holland | February - April / contribution group exhibition / Gallery Carla Stützer, Cologne (D).



Professional costs allowance | July / Fonds BKVB, Amsterdam.

VBK Dordt | May / contribution group exhibition / Voorstraat 396, Dordrecht.

'Schalks Woord en Beeld' | February / newspaper article in the Rotterdams Nieuwsblad.

Arnold Schalks | February - March / solo exhibition / Gallery 'Westersingel 8', Rotterdam.



Goose Shake Loose | Founding of the Rotterdam band with the same name. Studio sessions and performances in Rotterdam.

Professional costs allowance | July / Fonds BKVB, Amsterdam.



'Appeltaart in klein bureau' | January / newspaper article in Het Vrije Volk / Rotterdam.

OMNIET | February / composition & design documentation group exhibition / independent publication / Rotterdam.

OMNIET | January - February / contribution group exhibition / former police station, Eendrachtsplein 3, Rotterdam.

Tweede tien teksten (NL) | January / composition and design independent publication / Rotterdam.



Der Wechsel / de wissel | September / contribution group exhibition / Münsterstraße 446, Düsseldorf (D).

10 teksten/10 Texte (NL, D) | August / composition and design independent publication / Rotterdam.

'Paul van Soest fijntjes' | February / newspaper article Rotterdams Dagblad /Rotterdam.

'Paul van Soest' | January / newspaper article Amersfoortse Courant / Amersfoort.

Storisch | June - October / set design, acting and technique for theater production by actor Paul van Soest. Various performances throughout the country.



de Pier exposeert | September - October / contribution group exhibition / Kunst & Complex, Sint Jobsweg 20 Rotterdam.

Hallo Huis | June / acting in summer's workshop theaterproduction / theater Lantaren, Rotterdam.



'Geen Poolse Lente in LVC' | November / newspaper article Leidsch Dagblad / Leiden.

'Poolse popgroep Lombard trekt weinigen naar LVC' | November / newspaper article Leidsch Dagblad / Leiden.

Holland Tour | November / Performances as support act of the Polish Rockband LOMBARD.

Wedding | September / acting in summer's workshop theaterproduction / theater Lantaren, Rotterdam.

Dingen | March / Graduation exhibition. Art Academy, Blaak 10, Rotterdam.

A.S. werk 1979-1983 (NL) | March / composition and design independent publication / Rotterdam.

DEFECT | founding of the Rotterdam punkband with the same name. Various performances in the Rotterdam region.



Stichting Kunst & Complex exposeert | contribution group exhibition / Kunst & Complex, Sint Jobsweg 20, Rotterdam.

Young Talent presents new work | May / contribution group exhibition / Gallery Black Cat, Mauritsweg 56, Rotterdam.



Bombardement | May / contribution group exhibition / Gallery Black Cat, Mauritsweg 56, Rotterdam.

Exhibition with contributions of the three Young Talent members | March / contribution group exhibition / Art Academy, G.J. de Jonghweg 4, Rotterdam.



Act Christmas hamper | December / performance / Art Academy, G.J. de Jonghweg 4, Rotterdam.

Young Talent | October / formation of the artist coalition with fellow art students Paul Henning and Marcos Carrasquer.