Off-crimmp_cinema is a pleasant way of skipping evening school in a former class room at the Drievriendenstraat, that was transformed into a movie theater. The program, curated by filmmaker Noud Heerkens, had a duration of approximately 90 minutes, intermission included. Contributions by LeopoldEmmen, Robert Glas, Jan van Dyck, Michiel van Bakel en Arif Abdillah. OCW, stage for small scale events, Rotterdam, 7 and 8 October 2022.
click here to download the PRINTVERSION of the program as a pdf-file (97 kb)
Off-crimmp_cinema is a pleasant way of skipping evening school in a former class room at the Drievriendenstraat, that was transformed into a movie theater. The program, curated by filmmaker Noud Heerkens, had a duration of approximately 90 minutes, intermission included. Contributions by LeopoldEmmen, Rossella Nisio, Katarina Jazbec, Raquel Vermunt, Nina Catharina Markus and Lavinia Xausa. OCW, stage for small scale events, Rotterdam, 1 and 2 October, 2022.
click here to download the PRINTVERSION of the program as a pdf-file (97 kb)
"De mens als plant en dier"
Book review by Jacques van Alphen in the 'Hart van de Stad-krant' nr. 163, Leiden, 10 December, 2021.
Publication on the website 'leiden4045', 12 November, 2021.
"Is de mens een plant?"
Book review by Wilfred Simons in the Leidsch Dagblad, Haarlems Dagblad, IJmuider Courant, Gooi en Eemlander, Noord Hollands Dagblad, 15 October, 2021.
Publication on the website 'leiden4045', 21 September, 2021.
Publication in the 'Hart van de Stad-krant' nr. 161, Leiden, September, 2021.
"De mens een plant"
Announcement of the publication in 'BK-informatie' nr. 6, 24 September, 2021.
"De mens een plant"
Interview with Jos Nijhof and Joque Mulder for the radioprogram Cultuur071 about 'De mens een plant', Leiden, 4 September, 2021.
The first Dutch translation of L'Homme-plante is published on 1 September, 2021 at Primaverapers publishers in Leiden.
Graphic design for the concert series by Ars Choralis Coeln, Cologne, August - September 2021.
"De boude stelling eindigt niet met een vraagteken"
Book review by Hans Schuurman in the 'Leids Nieuwsblad', Leiden, 26 August, 2021.
Writers residence on the Stadsboerderij, research for my second novel, Almere, 1 April - 1 May, 2021.
Information about the application and installation of five stumblestones for Helena, Joseph Michael, Judith, Hanna en Alida Weijl in front of their former bakershop at the Kloksteeg 3 in Leiden.
Publication on the website 'leiden4045', 25 May, 2021.
Transcription of the day- and night reports of the Police in Leiden for the period 1940 - 1944 / Erfgoed Leiden en Omstreken, October - November, 2020.
Writers residence on the Stadsboerderij, research for my second novel, Almere, 11 April - 4 May, 2020.
Graphic design for the concert series by Ars Choralis Coeln, Cologne, April - October 2020.
Announcement of my novel 'Steeg' in 'Leidraad', the magazine for alumni and network of the Leiden University, Leiden, 28 April, 2020.
"De tijdloze Kloksteeg"
Book review by Daan Lameijer on teh website 'Literair Nederland', 4 March, 2020.
"Portretten uit de Kloksteeg"
Book review in the quartely magazine number 8.1 of the 'Historische Vereniging Oud-Leiden', Leiden.
Book presentation in the display window of bookshop 'de Kler', Breestraat 161, Leiden, from 8 up to 29 February, 2020.
Steeg, Arnold Schalks
Book review by Sjoep de Jong on the facebook page 'Langs Leidse straten', Leiden, 28 November, 2019.
Kloksteeg recht voor zijn raap
Book review by Wilfred Simons in the 'Leidsch Dagblad', Leiden, 2 November, 2019.
Steeg, kroniek van een zere plek
Book review by Hans Schuurman in the 'Leids Nieuwsblad', Leiden, 31 October, 2019.
Steeg, kroniek van een zere plek
Interview with Jos Nijhof for the radioprogram Cultuur071 about 'Steeg', 26 October, 2019.
Steeg, kroniek van een zere plek
Interview with Marjolijn Pouw for the 'Hart van de Stad-krant' nr. 156, Leiden, September 2019.
STEEG / 'kroniek van een zere plek'
My first novel is published on 1 September, 2019 at Primaverapers publishers in Leiden.
Construction and mounting of the video installation by Noud Heerkens as part of '25 jaar Dansateliers' / TENT, Rotterdam, May, 2019.
Final editing and -preparation for printing of 'Steeg' by Primaverapers publishers in Leiden, March 2019.
Graphic design for the printed matter for the opera 'de Synode' by 'Muziektheater Hollands Diep', Dordrecht, January - May, 2019.
Off-crimmp_cinema is a pleasant way of skipping evening school in a former class room at the Drievriendenstraat, that was transformed into a movie theater. The program, curated by filmmaker Noud Heerkens, had a duration of approximately 90 minutes, intermission included Contributions by Michiel van Bakel, Gerco de Ruijter, Mirjam Somers, Marleine van der Werf, Eva Wijers, Noud Heerkens, Bart Vegter, Michal Osowski and Polly Wilson. OCW, stage for small scale events, Rotterdam, October 26 and 27, 2018.
click here to download the PRINTVERSION of the program as a pdf-file (91 kb)
First editorial session of the adapted manuscript by Primaverapers publishers in Leiden, October, 2018.
Graphic design of the CD by Ars Choralis Coeln, Cologne, June - July, 2018.
Completion of the typoscript of the novel's sixth version, Rotterdam, May, 2018.
Writers residence in Germany, adaptation of the third version of the novel, Cologne, March - April, 2018.
Completion of the typoscript of the novel's third version, Rotterdam, March, 2018.
Construction and mounting of the video installation by Noud Heerkens as part of 'Cinedans 2018' / Shelter, Amsterdam, March 2018.
Off-crimmp_cinema is a pleasant way of skipping evening school in a former class room at the Drievriendenstraat, that was transformed into a movie theater. The program, curated by filmmaker Noud Heerkens, had a duration of approximately 100 minutes, intermission included Contributions by Robert Breer, Jean-Luc Godard, Gérard Fromanger, Sara Rajaei, Neva Lukic, Matija Pekic, Jan van Dyck, Myrte van der Molen. OCW, stage for small scale events, Rotterdam,January 19 and 20, 2018.
click here to download the PRINTVERSION of the program as a pdf-file (93 kb)
Off-crimmp_cinema is a pleasant way of skipping evening school in a former class room at the Drievriendenstraat, that was transformed into a movie theater. The program, curated by filmmaker Noud Heerkens, had a duration of approximately 100 minutes, intermission included Contributions by Gerco de Ruijter, Jan Adriaans, Mirjam Somers, Michiel van Bakel, Mels van Zutphen, Jeff Keen and René Magritte. OCW, stage for small scale events, Rotterdam, April 15, 2016.
click here to download the PRINTVERSION of the program as a pdf-file (109 kb)
Through video and material experiment, artist Gerwin Luijendijk investigated the role of the restorer in relation to the authenticity of the artwork and, through this, the influence of the restorer on the artwork. For view to restoration, Gerwin and restorer Jos Deuss met in a relaxed ambiance for a dialogue. During the conversation, which inevitably dealt with topics like destruction and restoration, they reflected on their brief but exciting collaboration. A discussion, concluded by a small dance. OCW, stage for small scale events, Rotterdam, March 30, 2016.
Off-crimmp_cinema is a pleasant way of skipping evening school in a former class room at the Drievriendenstraat, that was transformed into a movie theater. The first episode featured recent films by Josefien van Kooten & Anna Witte, Lotte Heerkens and Hester Overmars, selected by filmmaker Noud Heerkens. Before the program started and during the intermission, three 16-mm films from the Goethe archive were screened in the hall: from the series Rundflüge: Litzlbachhörnl, Meersburg and Watzmann. OCW, stage for small scale events, Rotterdam, December 9 & 10 2016.
Independent miniature-publication with a second series of eight Dutch poems 'for the reader'. Published December 12, 2014 in Rotterdam with an edition of 250 copies.
Publication in OSO, magazine for Surinamistics and the Caribic. Fragments from the report resocialisation project in the Youth Reform Institution (JOG) of the Central Penitentiary Santo Boma, Paramaribo, November-December 2008. Page. 92 - 95, Volume 31, No. 1 / May 2012, ISSN 0167-4099, Leiden/Nijmegen.
Independent publication published in February in Rotterdam. Collection of published and not yet published verse, observations, articles, columns & statements from the period 1980-2011.
Click here to download the E-BOOK-version in .EPUB format (only in Dutch) / File size: 456 KB / 43 pages. / © 1980-2011, Rotterdam, Arnold Schalks.
Click here to download the PRINTVERSION in .PDF format (only in Dutch) / File size: 1 MB / 35 pages / © 1980-2011, Rotterdam, Arnold Schalks.
Independent publication published in February in Rotterdam. Report in five parts on my experiences in Suriname with the collective title WANSMA KONDRE (Someone's land).
E-BOOK versions in .EPUB-format
Click here to download the E-BOOK-version of WANSMA KONDRE Part 1. Artropa in .EPUB format (only in Dutch) / File size: 924 KB / 51 pages / © 2007-2008, Rotterdam, Arnold Schalks.
Click here to download the E-BOOK-version of WANSMA KONDRE Part 2. Someni Tongo in .EPUB format (only in Dutch) / File size: 1,7 MB / 61 pages. / © 2008, Rotterdam, Arnold Schalks.
Click here to download the E-BOOK-version of WANSMA KONDRE Part 3. Santo Bomain .EPUB format (only in Dutch) / File size: 578 KB / 32 pages / © 2008, Rotterdam, Arnold Schalks.
Click here to download the E-BOOK-version of WANSMA KONDRE Part 4. de Surinoemer in .EPUB format (only in Dutch) / File size: 1 MB / 65 pages / © 2007-2009, Rotterdam, Arnold Schalks.
Click here to download the E-BOOK-version of WANSMA KONDRE Part 5. Krasi fu fri & Sroto in .EPUB format (only in Dutch) / File size: 449 KB / 30 pages / © 2009-2010, Rotterdam, Arnold Schalks.
Click here to download the PRINTVERSION of WANSMA KONDRE / Part 1. ArtRoPa in .PDF format (only in Dutch) / File size: 540 KB / 43 pages / © 2007-2008, Rotterdam, Arnold Schalks.
Click here to download the PRINTVERSION of WANSMA KONDRE / Part 2. Someni tongo in .PDF format (only in Dutch) / File size: 900 KB / 6o pages / © 2008, Rotterdam, Arnold Schalks.
Klik here to download the PRINTVERSION of WANSMA KONDRE / Part 3. Santo Boma in .PDF format (only in Dutch) / File size: 263 KB / 26 pages / © 2008, Rotterdam, Arnold Schalks.
Click here to download the PRINTVERSION of WANSMA KONDRE / Part 4. de Surinoemer in .PDF format (only in Dutch) / File size: 712 KB / 55 pages / © 2007-2009, Rotterdam, Arnold Schalks.
Click here to download the PRINTVERSION of WANSMA KONDRE / Part 5. Krasi fu fri & sroto in .PDF format (only in Dutch) / File size: 324 KB / 24 pages / © 2009-2010, Rotterdam, Arnold Schalks.
Contribution to the big Rotterdam art calender: calender sheet Friday June 8, 2012
The Big Rotterdam Art Calender shows a work of a contemporary Rotterdam visual artist, graphic/fashion designer, photographer or architect on large size (29,7 x 34 cm) each day. The calender is an initiative of Office Kraaijen and is pubished by Trichis Publishing, Rotterdam. Launched on November 11, 2011, in Las Palmas, Rotterdam.
Filmbüro Bremen: Offenes Atelier / Offene Galerie
Overview of VHS and S-VHS footage on the visual arts in Bremen shot in Bremen during the mid-90's. Screening of projects by a.o. Susanne Bleher, Thomas Recker, Arnold Schalks, Galerie Cornelius Hertz, Christine Prinz, Isolde Loock, Edith Pundt, Martina Schall. Saturday, June 4, from 17 h. on, Güterbahnhof Bremen.
ELF (eleven)
Four spoken word contributions for the twenty-third/eleventh hour of CommandoRadio, conceived on request of the Dordrecht visual artist Nico Parlevliet. CommandoRadio is 24-hour internet-radio as part of the project 'ArtCommand', with the motto: 'Kunst Redt' (Art Saves). Dordrecht (NL) and vicinity, May-October 2011.
Independent miniature-publication with eight Dutch poems 'for the reader'. Published September 24, 2010 in Rotterdam with an edition of 500 copies.
Statement on t-shirt. Festival t-shirts
Contribution to the 41st Poetry International Festival for New Canvas Productions, Kamiel Verschuren/Teresa Iannotta. Rotterdam, 11 - 18 June.
de SurinoemerJubilee issue
Design & composition compilation newssheet / Paramaribo, February.
Editing & interviews for publication / Kit-publishers, Amsterdam, February.
arnold schalks portal
Start of portal / Rotterdam, January.
Management & upkeep of the Arnold Schalks Internet Archive and the websites of de Vrije Schuur, Bühne de Bovenlucht, podium OCW, de Surinoemer, ArtRoPa & Cora Schmeiser, January-now
Founding of an new stage for small-scale events in my Rotterdam studio. November 2009.
Start of website / Rotterdam | November-December.
Publication 'Krasi fu fri'. Editor: Alida Neslo / Lay-out: Raquel Yhap / Production: Ann Hermelijn KRASI FU FRI (Scratches of Freedom)
Design of the logo for the public presentation of pupils of the JOG (Youth Reform Institution) of the Central Penitentiary Santo Boma in theater Thalia, Paramaribo. Part of the rehabilitation project of the JKB (Child Welfare Council) by the Surinamese theatre maker Alida Neslo. August 12, 2009, Theater Thalia, Paramaribo
the SURINOEMER #5, 6 & 7
Editor, lay out and final editing of newssheet 'de SURINOEMER'.
'de SURINOEMER' is a free, independent newssheet to be published irregularly. Objective of the publication is to cover the cultural interactions between the cities of Paramaribo (Surinam) and Rotterdam, that started in 2007 and will continue until 2010. 'de SURINOEMER' is a medium with an express non-commercial view, offering participating artists from both cities the space to communicate their experiences and art work in word and image. 'de SURINOEMER' is published in Paramaribo with a limited copied edition. Reproduction and distribution of the copied Surinoemer in Paramaribo: Alida Neslo. The rest of the world can download the digital version as a pdf-file from the Surinoemer website.
# 5 was published on March 21, 2009
# 6 was published on August 21, 2009
# 7 was published on November 11, 2009
'Language in art / Taal in kunst'
Editing publication / Rotterdam, June.
'Language in art / Taal in kunst'
Visual contribution to publication / Rotterdam, June.
Start website / Rotterdam, June.
Moderator Ivette Forster interviews five creative gentlemen about the theme 'feeling the odd man out' / f.l.t.r. Clark Accord, Michael Tedja, Rashid Novaire, Raj Mohan, Arnold Schalks. Book party as part of the book week 2009
Presentation of the Someni Tongo-project for the 'Vereniging Ons Suriname' / Amsterdam, March 21.
The literary Zoo
Graphic design of the invitation for the Book party at the Vereniging Ons Suriname / Amsterdam, March.
Management & upkeep of the Arnold Schalks Internet Archive and the websites of de Vrije Schuur, Bühne de Bovenlucht, de Surinoemer & Cora Schmeiser | January-December.
Someni tongo
Design & production DVD / Paramaribo, Suriname, November.
de PRAKSERI BANGI / the IDEAS BANK (only in Sranantongo and Dutch)
From May 12, 2008 on, the prakseri bangi/ideas bank is online. The prakseri bangi is a bilingual (Sranantongo-Dutch) database of Surinamese poetry, to be consulted via the website of newssheet 'de Surinoemer'. Arnold Schalks manages this considerable collection literature. His objective is to open up and spread Surinamese poetry over a worldwide potential of readers. For the time being, the ideas bank covers the work of fifty Surinamese poets ranging from 1939 to date.
the SURINOEMER # 1, 2, 3 and 4
Editing, lay out and final editing of newssheet 'de SURINOEMER'.
# 1 was published on December 11, 2007
# 2 was published on February 12, 2008
# 3 was published on May 19, 2008
# 4 was published on August 4, 2008
Start website / Rotterdam, February.
Management & upkeep of the Arnold Schalks Internet Archive and the websites of de Vrije Schuur, Bühne de Bovenlucht & Cora Schmeiser | January-December.
Graphic design of the invitation card and programme of the theatre production VIER by Cora Schmeiser. Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ, Amsterdam. November 2007.
der Fliegende Holländer (the Flying Dutchman)
Graphic design of the invitation card for the romantic opera by Richard Wagner. Tiroler Landestheater, Innsbruck (A). June 2007.
KURT SCHWITTERS, the foolish antibourgeoise
Design invitation and program / Goethe-Institut Rotterdam, March.
A Tempest
Graphic design of the publicity media for the music theatre production 'A Tempest' by Barokopera Amsterdam. January 2007.
Management & upkeep of the Arnold Schalks Internet Archive and the websites of de Vrije Schuur, Bühne de Bovenlucht, Cora Schmeiser & Barokopera Amsterdam | January-December.
Contribution to audio-book, independent publication / Rotterdam, June.
Netwerk, the information leaflet (NL)
Independent publication / Rotterdam, March.
Management & upkeep of the Arnold Schalks Internet Archive and the websites of foundation Kunst & Complex, de Vrije Schuur, Bühne de Bovenlucht, Cora Schmeiser & Barokopera Amsterdam | January-December.
POINTperiod period fonts (NL)
Multiple, CD-ROM, independent publication / Rotterdam, October.
Start website / Rotterdam, February.
Management & upkeep of the Arnold Schalks Internet Archive and the websites of foundation Kunst & Complex, Bühne de Bovenlucht, Cora Schmeiser & Barokopera Amsterdam | January-December.
King Arthur
Graphic design of the publicity media for the music theatre production 'King Arthur' by Barokopera Amsterdam. December 2004.
de Vrije Schuur (the Free Shed)
A new art space, founded in a wooden shack in the garden of my Rotterdam apartment. September, 2004.
Webdesign for the theatre group Bleu from The Hague. August 2004.
Drie gouden haren van de Duivel (NL)
CD-ROM, independent publication / Rotterdam, May.
Management & upkeep of the Arnold Schalks Internet Archive and the websites of foundation Kunst & Complex, de Vrije Schuur, Bühne de Bovenlucht & Cora Schmeiser | January-December.
Jaap en Shirley
Graphic design of the publicity media for the theatre show 'Jaap en Shirley' by Paul van Soest & Frank Wijdenbosch. Commissioned by Dri3 Stenen Theaterproducties, Amsterdam / October 2003
Composition & design audio-book, independent publication / Rotterdam, July.
de Overkrant (NL)
Newspaper art project with children, independent publication / Rotterdam, May.
Management & upkeep of the Arnold Schalks Internet Archive and the websites of foundation Kunst & Complex, Bühne de Bovenlucht & Cora Schmeiser, | January-December.
A.S.I.A. off-line 2000 / Christmas edition
CD-ROM with an extended version of the A.S.I.A. website for Macintosh and PC. Overview of all professional activities: publications & multiples, projects & exhibitions, projects for/with children, theatre productions and a complete curriculum. 144,1 Mb on disc, 1.818 html-, jpeg- and aif-files. Published in Rotterdam on December 11, 2002, with an edition of 25 copies.
5e Global Attic film- & video Festival
Organisation, design & facilities for international small scale video- & filmfestival produced by Noud Heerkens/Foundation Picos de Europa and Arnold Schalks/ Foundation Bühne de BovenLucht. Video installations by visual artists, live theatre and VJ performance. Keileweg 26, Rotterdam. June 21 - 21, 2002 from 21.00 - 03.00 h.
Colonia non olet (D)
Compostion and design walking map, independent publication / Cologne, June.
Click here to download the 'COLONIA NON OLET' walking map in pdf format / File size: 19,2 MB / © 2002, Rotterdam, Arnold Schalks.
Unterhaltung für Deutschland (D)
Contributions to audio-book / Dizzy Verlag, Düsseldorf (D), May.
'tomorrow another day'
Composition & design birthday calender, independent publication / Rotterdam, February.
Management & upkeep of the Arnold Schalks Internet Archive and the websites of foundation Kunst & Complex, Bühne de Bovenlucht & Cora Schmeiser | January-December.
A.S.I.A. off-line (NL, D, GB, F, E)
DVD-ROM, independent publication / Rotterdam, | from December until now.
Picnic in the Park (GB, RU)
Design of documentation workshop for/with children / independent publication / Rotterdam, July.
Wachtgedachten (NL)
Design booklet for workshop for/with children, independent publication / Rotterdam, June.
This free publication was issued in Rotterdam on April 7, 2001 for the occasion of the 20th anniversary of foundation Kunst & Complex . Contributions by Hans Walgenbach, Mohamed Sheriff, Jozef van Rossum, Joannes Hoes, Arnold Schalks, Peter Lindhout and Marianne Fontein.
Click here to download the complete bilingual edition of 'Twenty above Zero' in pdf format./ File size: 24,5 MB
Click here to download the English E-BOOK-version of 'Twenty above Zero' in .EPUB format / File size: 1,6 MB / 39 pages / © 7 April 2001, Rotterdam, Arnold Schalks.
Management & upkeep of the Arnold Schalks Internet Archive and the websites of foundation Kunst & Complex, Bühne de Bovenlucht & Cora Schmeiser, January-December.
De Reddingsbrigade
Graphic design of the publicity media for the one man show 'De Reddingsbrigade' (the Lifebrigade) by actor Paul van Soest and director Dave Schwab. Commissioned by Harrie Kies Theaterproducties, Leiden. August 2000.
Webdesign, foundation Kunst & Complex, Rotterdam, June - December.
4th Global Attic video- & Filmfestival
Organisation, design & facilities for international video-, film- and sound festival produced by Noud Heerkens/foundation Picos de Europa and Arnold Schalks/Foundation Bühne de BovenLucht. Keileweg 26, Rotterdam. June 23 - 24, 2000.
Kosmobiel (NL)
Composition and design of independent publication / Rotterdam, January.
De naäaprots (NL)
Composition and design of independent publication / Rotterdam, January.
Management & upkeep of the Arnold Schalks Internet Archive and the website of Bühne de Bovenlucht, January-December.
Communicating Vessels Catalogue (GB)
Composition and design of independent publication / Staten Island, September.
Click here to download 'COMMUNICATING VESSELS catalogue' in pdf format / File size: 8,5 MB / BOOKLET: page 1-20(double-sided) / page 21: cover. © 1994, Rotterdam, Arnold Schalks.
Waterline Tours Guidebook (GB)
Composition and design of independent publication / Staten Island, September.
Click here to download 'WATERLINE TOURS Guidebook' in pdf format / File size: 2 MB / BOOKLET: page 1-6 (double-sided) / page 7: print on transparent sheet / page 8: cover. © 1998, Rotterdam, Arnold Schalks.
The Daily Level 1-14 (GB)
Composition and design of independent publication / Staten Island, September.
Click here to download the fourteen issues of 'THE DAILY LEVEL' in pdf format / File size: 3,1 MB / © 1998, Rotterdam, Arnold Schalks.
Click here to download the E-BOOK-version of 'THE DAILY LEVEL' in .EPUB format / File size: 152 KB / 53 pages / © 1998, Rotterdam, Arnold Schalks.
The B.R.E.M.E.N files (GB)
Composition and design of independent publication / Rotterdam, July.
Click here to download 'THE B.R.E.M.E.N FILES' in pdf format / File size: 3,7 MB / BOOKLET: page 1-18 (double-sided) / page 19: cover. © 1998, Rotterdam, Arnold Schalks.
Click here to download the E-BOOK-version of 'THE B.R.E.M.E.N FILES' in .EPUB format / File size: 1,08 MB / 44 pages / © 1993, 1994, 1998, Rotterdam, Arnold Schalks.
3rd Global Attic video- & Filmfestival
Organisation, design & facilities for international video- & filmfestival produced by Noud Heerkens/Foundation Picos de Europa and Arnold Schalks/Foundation Bühne de BovenLucht. Keileweg 26-28, Rotterdam. June 19 & 20, 1998.
Click here to download the'GAF gazette #3' in pdf format./ File size: 88 KB/ © 1998, Rotterdam, Arnold Schalks.
Webmaster Arnold Schalks Internet Archive (NL, D, GB, F, E)
Webdesign, management & upkeep of the Arnold Schalks Internet Archive / Rotterdam, from April until December.
Contribution to group exhibition / trappist monastery Arnsburg near Lich (D), March.
2nd Global Attic film- & video Festival
Organisation, design & facilities for international video- & filmfestival produced by Noud Heerkens/ Foundation Picos de Europa, Arnold Schalks/Foundation Bühne de BovenLucht and Video Pool Inc. (Winnipeg). Keileweg 26 Rotterdam. June 19 & 20 1997, from 10h PM to 3h AM.
Founding of an new stage for small-scale events in a Rotterdam studiobuilding. June 1997.
ReBOUNCE Bulletin (GB)
Composition and design of the newspaper for the Dutch/Canadian exchange project, independent publication / Rotterdam, May.
Click here to download the 'ReBOUNCE bulletin' in pdf format./ File size: 20,7 MB / A3-print / 8 pages / © 1997, Rotterdam, Arnold Schalks.
Schillen voor de kunst/peeling for the arts (NL, GB)
Composition and design flyer, independent publication / Rotterdam, April.
Denkramenzemen (NL)
Composition and design independent publication / Rotterdam, January.
the mobilisation (NL, D, GB)
Composition and design independent publication / Rotterdam, November.
Click here to download notebook 'the mobilisation' in pdf format./ File size: 2,8 MB / A4-print / BOOKLET: page 1: front cover / page 2: back cover / pages 3-8 (double sided) / © 1996, Rotterdam, Arnold Schalks.
Das Ettingshäuser Käseblatt (D)
Composition and design independent publication / Rotterdam, September.
1st Global Attic film- & video Festival
Informal precursor of the 'big' Global Attic video & Filmfestivals. Keileweg 26, Rotterdam. April 27, 1996.
two farming ensembles (NL, D, GB)
Composition and design independent publication / Rotterdam, March.
Click here to download 'TWO FARMING ENSEMBLES' in pdf format / File size: 12,5 MB / BOOKLET: page 1-12 (double-sided) / page 13: cover. © 1994, Rotterdam, Arnold Schalks.
Plaatsbepaling (NL)
Composition and design independent publication / Rotterdam, February.
Maritime Korrespondenz (NL, D)
Composition and design independent publication / Rotterdam, December.
De A van Canada (NL)
Composition and design independent publication / Rotterdam, August.
[...] (NL)
Composition and design audio-book, independent publication / Rotterdam, August.
Ronsard à Paris (NL, F)
Composition and design booklet & audio-book, independent publication / Rotterdam, December.
Zesentwintig (NL)
Composition and design independent publication / Rotterdam, November.
Passage (NL, D, F)
Composition and design independent publication / Rotterdam, September.
Heidegger Reisen tour guide (NL)
Composition and design independent publication / Rotterdam, July.
Ortwort Akki DaDa (D)
Composition and design independent publication / Rotterdam, June.
Weser Bootschaft/Weser Bootschap (NL, D)
Composition and design newspaper, independent publication / Rotterdam, May.
A well for Aranda (NL, D, E)
Composition and design independent publication / Rotterdam, July.
Unterwegs zur Sprache (eine Reiseübersetzung) (NL, D)
Composition and design independent publication / Rotterdam, February.
Composition & design documentation group exhibition / independent publication / Rotterdam, February.
Tweede tien teksten (NL)
Composition and design independent publication / Rotterdam, January.
10 teksten/10 Texte (NL, D)
Composition and design independent publication / Rotterdam, August.
A.S. werk 1979-1983 (NL)
Composition and design independent publication / Rotterdam, March.