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Three exhibitions in the former police station Eendrachtsplein 3, Rotterdam: I. Installations from January 24 - February 2, 1986; II. Sculptures February 7 - 16, 1986; III. Paintures, February 21 - March 2, 1986.
Installation composed of objects found in an abandoned police station.
Blackboard, 26 document files, stairs, mural, texts.
Documentation of the exhibition series in three parts, published in spring 1985 in Rotterdam.
BOOK: cardboard box 15 x 20 x 3 cm with index and 32 black and white photograps
DESIGN: Arnold Schalks
PHOTOGRAPHY: Ewald Timmermans
Group photo on the landing (v.l.n.r.): Annet Palstra, Harm Verbeek, Yono, Henk Spronk, Joep van Lieshout, Mia van der Burg, Olaf Mooij, Paul Henning, Ellen Dijkstra, Marianne Fontein, Ans van der Burgt, Lizan Freijsen, Riemke de Jong, Arnold Schalks & Ludo Hoes.